Oh hay hmmm... hello?
frist of, I'm not your son (in fact if you watch the cration of the file you have the proof) or not your girl (i don't think she can code html)
so don't be worry nobody is in the aknowloge of your secret Chicken with Tie floder.
or maybe yes you need to be worried becouse someone as entred in your home in the middle of the night or something like this?

anyway is just a joke i find hilarius the title of the hentai and i know the human react in strange way to a non-human-hentai.
Why i made this you may ask, just a joke? No I read that the medium life of a human is 75-60.
so i would to know if a human that is going to the die every week, day, hours, minute can have a dream. Well I neither know how to speak to older people in my planet the
death from seniority isn't looked so bad but here... so sorry in advance ^,^''
Oh can you replay me by sending an email at jirasele@gmail.com maybe in english becouse is the only lenguage that i can bearly know.
p.s. please don't talk about this with anyone or i can be on trouble, well is true I search the trouble but hey..... hmm i don't know